- XML:eXtensible Markup Language
- XML is a syntax (serialization format) for data sharing and exchange on the Web
- Can translate any data to XML
- Can ship XML over the Web (HTTP)
- Can input XML into any application
XML Structure

- XML is self-describing
- Schema elements become part of the data(关系型数据记录中schema不算是内容,但是在xml中节点自身也携带内容信息)
- XML is semi-structured
- missing attributes (could be represented as null in table)
- repeated attributes (impossible in table)
- Attributes with different types in different objects
- Nested structures
- Heterogeneous contents
- an XML document has a single root element
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| example: <bib> ... <book price="35"> <publisher>Addison-Wesley</publisher> <author>Serge Abiteboul</author> <author> <first-name>Rick</first-name> <last-name>Hull</last-name> </author> <author age="20">Victor Vianu</author> <title>Foundations of Databases</title> <year>1995</year> <price>38.8</price> </book> <book price="55"> <publisher>Freeman</publisher> <author>Jeffrey D. Ullman</author> <title>Principles of Database and Knowledge Base Systems</title> <year>1998</year> </book> ... </bib>
Querying XML Data
XPath: simple navigation through the tree

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| $ pip install lxml
from lxml import etree f = open('bibs.xml') tree = etree.parse(f) print(etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True))
for element in tree.xpath("//author"): print(etree.tostring(element)) print(element.tag, element.text)