PyTorch-BigGraph 批准备

PBG 批准备

This section presents how the training data is prepared and organized in batches before the loss is calculated and optimized on each of them.

Training proceeds by iterating over the edges, through various nested loops. The outermost one walks through so-called epochs. Each epoch is independent and essentially equivalent to every other one. Their goal is to repeat the inner loop until convergence. Each epoch visits all the edges exactly once. The number of epochs is specified in the num_epochs configuration parameter.

The edges are partitioned into edge sets (one for each directory of the edge_paths configuration key) and, within each epoch, the edge sets are traversed in order.

When iterating over an edge set, each of its buckets is first divided into equally sized chunks: each chunk spans a contiguous interval of edges (in the order they are stored in the files) and the number of chunks can be tweaked using the num_edge_chunks configuration key. The training first operates on the all the first chunks of all buckets, then on all of their second chunks, and so on.

Next, the algorithm iterates over the buckets. The order in which buckets are processed depends on the value of the bucket_order configuration key. In addition to a random permutation, there are methods that try to have successive buckets share a common partition: this allows for that partition to be reused, thus allowing it to be kept in memory rather than being unloaded and another one getting loaded in its place. (In distributed mode, the various trainer processes operate on the buckets at the same time, thus the iteration is managed differently).

Once the trainer has fixed a given chunk and a certain bucket, its edges are finally loaded from disk. When evaluating during training, a subset of these edges is withheld (such subset is the same for all epochs). The remaining edges are immediately uniformly shuffled and then split into equal parts. These parts are distributed among a pool of processes, so that the training can proceed in parallel on all of them at the same time. These subprocesses are “Hogwild!” workers, which do not synchronize their computations or memory accesses. The number of such workers is determined by the workers parameter.
一旦训练器获得了一个给定的chunk和bucket,其chuck的边最终从磁盘上加载到内存。在训练之前,边的一部分被保留下载作为之后的评估使用。(对于所有的epoch而言,这些边是一样的),其余的边都作为训练数据,他们被均匀地混洗,然后分成相等的部分分发到进程池里进行训练。因此训练是可以在所有进程上并行运行的。这些子进程被称为“Hogwild!” worker,他们的计算和内存使用并不同步进行。worker的数目在配置文件中的worfers参数指定。

key point: 这里worker就可以当成是进程数目,几个worker表示可以同时几个进程并行训练数据。

The way each worker trains on its set of edges depends on whether dynamic relations are in use. The simplest scenario is if they are, in which case the edges are split into contiguous batches (each one having the size specified in the batch_size configuration key, except possibly the last one which could be smaller). Training is then performed on that batch before moving on to the next one.

When dynamic relations are not in use, however, the loss can only be computed on a set of edges that are all of the same type. Thus the worker first randomly samples a relation type, with probability proportional to the number of edges of that type that are left in the pool. It then takes the first batch_size relations of that type (or fewer, if not enough of them are left), removes them from the pool and performs training on them.


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