

  • True Positives (TP): should be TRUE, you predicted TRUE
  • False Positives (FP): should be FALSE, you predicted TRUE
  • True Negative (TN): should be FALSE, you predicted FALSE
  • False Negatives (FN): should be TRUE, you predicted FALSE

张三去看病,是否得了癌症, FP=>误诊, FN=>没查出来。

Accuracy - 准确率

What percentage of my predictions are correct? 模型预测的正确性

  • Good for single label, binary classifcation.
  • Not good for imbalanced datasets. 受数据不均衡影响很大
    If, in the dataset, 99% of samples are TRUE and you blindly predict TRUE for everything, you’ll have 0.99 accuracy, but you haven’t actually learned anything.

Precision - 查准率

Of the points that I predicted TRUE, how many are actually TRUE? 模型预测的正例中。真实正例的比例

  • Good for multi-label / multi-class classification and information retrieval
  • Good for unbalanced datasets

Recall - 查全率

Of all the points that are actually TRUE, how many did I correctly predict 真实正例中,模型预测为正的比例

  • Good for multi-label / multi-class classification and information retrieval
  • Good for unbalanced datasets


Can you give me a single metric that balances precision and recall? F1-score (alternatively, F1-Measure), is a mixed metric that takes into account both Precision and Recall. 将查全与查准都考虑进去的F1

  • Gives equal weight to precision and recall
  • Good for unbalanced datasets

AUC (Area under ROC Curve)

Is my model better than just random guessing?

源地址: https://queirozf.com/entries/evaluation-metrics-for-classification-quick-examples-references#precision

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