PyTorch-BigGraph 数据模型 PBG模型PBG operates on directed multi-relation multigraphs, whose vertices are called entities. Each edge connects a source to a destination entity, which are respectively called its left- and right-han 2020-10-22 PyTorch-BigGraph
PyTorch-BigGraph 概要 PBG概要PyTorch-BigGraph (PBG) is a distributed system for learning graph embeddings for large graphs, particularly big web interaction graphs with up to billions of entities and trillions of edges.PBG n 2020-10-22 PyTorch-BigGraph
Scrapy 实例 - TripAdvisor信息抓取 TripAdvisor Scrapy 实例爬虫需求爬取洛杉矶地区的餐厅和酒店的相关信息 餐厅信息包括: 餐厅名称 餐厅评星(几颗星) 餐厅排名(针对洛杉矶而言) 餐厅价格区间 餐厅菜品种类 餐厅地点 附近旅馆 附近餐厅 附近景点 用户评价 2020-10-15 Python Web Crawler
Blocking and Relational Entity Resolution 前情提要Entity Resolution 主要分成如下四个 Coreference 文本与文本之间找同一个entity Entity linking 文本与KG中找对应entity -> Integrating New Candidates Deduplication 一个KG之间的聚类 -> Merging Ambiguous 2020-10-11 Knowledge Graph
知识图谱识别 前情提要在知识图谱中,主要需要解决的有三个问题: (节点,属性,关系) Who are the entities (nodes) in the graph? What are their attributes and types (labels)? How are they related (edges)? 知识图谱的构建主要就是通过IE将互联网上各式各样的资源进行提取,整合得到结构化的数据 2020-10-11 Knowledge Graph
DSCI558 Building Knowledge Graphs DSCI558 - Building Knowledge Graphs知识图谱简介知识图谱数据获取与知识产权知识图谱数据提取知识图谱表示 2020-10-11 Course
推荐系统总览 效用矩阵 (utility matrix)一般的推荐系统中有两类元素,一类是user,一类是item(例如电影、音乐…),可以用一个矩阵表示这些数据每一行表示每一个user,每一列表示一个item, M[i][j]表示第i个用户对第j项的评分。 一般效用矩阵都是稀疏的,需要做的就是填充这些缺失值 Gathering known ratings for matrix Extrapolate unk 2020-10-03 推荐系统
Scrapy学习 Scrapy 架构 The Engine gets the initial Requests to crawl from the Spider.(获取要爬的url) The Engine schedules the Requests in the Scheduler and asks for the next Requests to crawl.(调度request到调度器中,形成一些列的url 2020-09-22 Python Web Crawler library
XML Basic XML:eXtensible Markup Language XML is a syntax (serialization format) for data sharing and exchange on the Web Can translate any data to XML Can ship XML over the Web (HTTP) Can input XML into a 2020-09-18 Python File Format
Leetcode-二叉树 二叉树的一些思想 前序遍历(preOrder) root->left->right 中序遍历(inOrder) left-> root->right 二叉搜索树中,其遍历结果为有序数组 后序遍历(postOrder) left->right->root 广度优先搜索(BFS) 深度优先搜索(DFS) 递归(Recursion),根据要求选择使用前序, 2020-09-17 Algorithm Leetcode Python